5825 W. STATE RTE. 161
Culvert Cleaning/Slip Lining
As federal and local regulations increase the awareness of environmental hazards, it is important that drainage structures are properly installed and maintained for sustainability. The lack of culvert cleaning in the U.S. has resulted in damages to the structures themselves, road, ditches, personal property and even people. One of the primary reasons organizations have not maintained their structures is due to the lack of efficient and effective cleaning and installation methods. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is an economical, environmentally-friendly and versatile solution to these problems.
Using an HDD saves a considerable amount on installation costs and is generally less expensive than other boring methods in urban areas.
Horizontal Directional Drilling reduces soil disturbance, contamination of ground water pollution and fractures to existing rock formations.
Culverts of any size, shape and material can be cleaned effectively when using an HDD and it has the ability to drill beneath surface obstructions or ongoing site operations without interruption.
The Strategic Advantages of the Horizontal Directional Drilling
Managers and supervisors like the PM-102 Cold Planer because it has several distinct advantages over previous rehabilitation methods:
- The Vermeer D33x44 NAVIGATOR® is an extremely efficient and versatile machine, which reduces the need for multiple pieces of equipment since one machine can handle culverts of any size, shape and material.
- There is very limited traffic and landscape disruption, which is ideal for sites sensitive to surface interference such as heavy roadways, airport runways, golf courses, etc.
- It’s generally less expensive than other methods such as micro-tunneling, jack & bore and open trenching in urban areas.
- It preserves the ecosystem and protects the adjacent areas of the worksite.
- It offers shorter completion times and safer operations compared to other drilling and cleaning options.
The Tactical Advantages of Horizontal Directional Drilling
Engineers and contractors like horizontal directional drilling technology because:
- The operator has more directional capabilities which allows them to complete jobs faster, with less equipment and in varying ground conditions.
- Fewer people are required on the jobsite, reducing the chance for injury.
- The capabilities of the machine allow the operator to complete deeper and longer installations.
- This type of drilling/cleaning allows the operator to work while other site operations are in progress, which contributes to faster job completions.
- A single set-up area can be used to install different pipes or clean culverts.
- Minimal landscape disruption and ecosystem interference saves time and money on greenscape restoration. Less machine noise.